The debate on the environmental benefits of electric vehicles (EVs) has been passionate. Life-cycle analysis shows that the carbon footprint of EVs is high due to the energy use to build their batteries (more than 30% of the vehicle's life-total emissions) and the production mix of the electricity they use to get charged.
Moreover, the fabrication of Li-on batteries heavily impacts rare minerals' depletion and social cost: an EV battery can use up to 15kg of Cobalt, a mineral that is rare and often mined in inhumane work conditions.
After a while (on average 5 to 8 years of use), batteries no longer fit the needs of an EV but remain perfectly fit for use in stationary applications.
Used to store excess power produced by PV or to provide grid services, these batteries can play a very important role in empowering renewable energy.
Our vision: to enable the new societal move towards electro-mobility by closing the loop for batteries.

We are driven by our will to innovate for the good of society. Our technologies intend to leverage the energy transition using circular economy principles and top-level business intelligence.

We have chosen the fields of energy storage and electro-mobility because we are convinced of their strong innovation potential. We are passionate about all opportunities of innovation that can generate an impact.

User empowerment is the corner stone of our effort to generate impact. Our services aim at meeting customer needs while helping them take the smart and efficient path.

We develop & sustain top-level expertise in the fields of energy management, energy storage, and circular economy services, and contribute it to society.

The ReVolta project was initiated in the beginning of 2017 by a team of 2 engineers.
ReVolta sprl was created in 2018, and started growing with support from precious partners, among which Greenlab.Brussels, the
environmental entrepreneurship and circular economy acceleration programme for start-ups that is financed by the Brussels-Capital region, and Coopcity, the agency for social entrepreneurship of the city of Brussels.
Our first large-scale project took place in Antwerp, where in 2019 ReVolta installed a 7kWh battery on the Friendship boat to store energy produced from solar panels, provide power backup and reduce peak consumption from the electricity grid.
ReVolta keeps expanding its partnership network, in Belgium and internationally, with different actors interested in accelerating the uptake of energy storage in our every day life in a financially sustainable, innovative, environmentally and sociably responsible manner.